Green + Equity: Larry Chretien talks about the future of energy post-Covid

From the moment in late April when oil prices went negative for the first time in U.S. history — Texas oilmen literally forced to pay people to cart their oil away — we knew we were in a different world. 2020 is also poised to see another first: under current trends, more electricity will be produced from renewable resources than from coal. Now that the U.S. economy is opening up again, unPlanned talks to Larry Chretien, the executive director of the Green Energy Consumers Alliance. Larry tells us this is a “teaching moment” for air quality and that we're in the waning days of coal. At the same time, just as Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healy releases a report pointing out that environmental justice communities are the same communities that are being hit the hardest by Covid, Larry says that the systemic inequities this virus has exposed require not just our attention but also our hard work.


David Dixon talks about density, equity and the future of planning.


Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast: Eric Graham talks about the journey back to the workplace