Economic Recovery post-Covid, a conversation with Betsy Cowan Neptune

With widespread vaccine distribution at the one-year anniversary of the Covid shutdown in the United States, there is hope that the light we see at the end of the tunnel is not an oncoming train but is in fact the end of the tunnel. There are still many concerns as cities and towns work to restart their economies in the wake of the economic devastation that Covid wrought. unPlanned talks with Betsy Cowan Neptune of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council about economic recovery in the Boston region and some of the strategies she and her team have outlined in their recent Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS).

CEDS was in process one year ago when Covid hit, and the pandemic required a complete rethink of what economic development looks like under the realities a pandemic. Betsy tells us all about it.


Stamps in the Time of Covid, David Luberoff reflects.


Cities and Film, a conversation with Ezra Glenn